Saturday, November 19, 2011

Weekly Agenda: November 21-23

Monday, November 21
Trade journals with partner, share feedback (based on conventions of fantasy)
Volunteers share their writing
Last Fantasy Journal: Create an antagonist. First, create a character profile (it can even be illustrated!) Then, write a brief scene featuring the antagonist, imagining that it is the first scene in a larger fantasy work introducing the central antagonist. Be creative; build a worthy foe for a hero.
Introduction of Story Assignment #2 (requirements, rubric, peer review guide)
HW: Complete the journal prompt

Wednesday, November 23
Introduction to Mystery Writing Conventions – Focus: Cozy mysteries
Read “The Adventure of the Crooked Man” (handout)
- Discuss conventions
Plotting a mystery: Planning the end and planting the evidence
- outline evidence in “The Adventure of the Crooked Man”
Journal prompt: Creating an amateur detective: Person & Place
HW: Complete Journal Prompt → Journals due next class

Happy Thanksgiving!

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