Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekly Agenda: January 10-13

Tuesday, January 10
Share journal responses (“Stereotypes and Me”)
Writing a process piece
- Point: To explain or teach how
- Components:
o A beginning, middle and end
o Something the writer knows about/has expertise in
o Includes all essential information, details, or steps
o Focused, but (ideally) not boring
o Considers the audience
- Example:
o “How to Become a Writer” (excerpt read aloud) - discuss
Journal: Write a 1-2 page process essay on the topic of your choice.
Brainstorm first, then think of your audience and tone. Be specific and focused, serious or funny or whatever you feel like. Heads-up: We will trade these with a partner on Thursday.
HW: Complete journal.

Thursday, January 12
Assembly Schedule
Trade process journals; volunteers share
Introduce classification essays
- What are they? How do you write one?
- Example: Read and discuss “Friends, Good Friends” (handout)
- Brainstorm other topics for classification essays
Journal: Write a 2-page entry that is a classification essay titled (prompt):
“______ Types/Kinds of ______”
HW: Complete journal, if necessary. Heads-up: Be prepared to share this entry with a partner.

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