Monday, February 20, 2012

Weekly Agenda: February 21-24

Wednesday, February 22
Volunteers share rhythmic poem
Review Meter
- “When I Was One-and-Twenty”
- “Song of the Powers”
Device Review
Partner Device Hunt: Find one example of each listed term in the poetry in our packet. Be sure to quote the relevant lines and explain why it is an example of the term.
HW: Select one of the poems we’ve read so far that either sparked your imagination, resonated with you, raised questions, or that created a sense of enjoyment or frustration (i.e. that had some effect on you worth talking about). Name the poem and write a brief summary of what you interpreted it to mean. Then, write an analysis of why that poem had an impact on you – in other words, what choices did the poet make as a writer that proved to be “effective” on you as a reader.
- Begin reviewing for Tuesday’s vocabulary quiz.

Friday, February 24
Volunteers share
Intro to Voice, Tone & Diction
- Vocabulary
- Read and discuss “Grass” and “Civilian” – analyze voice, tone, and diction
- Practice: Describe a scene from the angle you select; use voice, tone, and diction accordingly
- In-class Journal Prompt: Choose an object, person, place, event, etc. Write 3 short poems about it, each from a different voice or tone. Vary diction, too, if you can. For instance, you could choose to sound like three very different people
HW: Complete prompt. Review vocabulary for a Tuesday’s poetic terminology quiz.

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